The number one excuse I hear from people wanting to start exercising is that they have no time. We are a busy society. Work. Family. Hopefully sleep. But it's a rare person who can actually tell me there is no wasted time during their day in which they could be working out. It's a commitment to not make excuses. You don't need to carve out several hours a day in order to get in a meaningful, productive workout. Planning is the key. Once you make your commitment to better health, you will find the time, and when you do, I want to help you reach your goals. It's important to have a goal, because without one, you are like a ship on the sea without a port to sail towards. Your workouts will wonder aimlessly and soon, like most people who start working out, or who join a gym, you will become bored or frustrated by little or no results and quit. I can help you find and refine your goals to work toward. Whether you want to loose weight, tone up, learn to run, finish a marathon or triathlon, I can design a plan for you and assist you while you follow it. As a highly motivated athlete, I know I can help you achieve success. What are you waiting for? Time?